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I have been prosecuted for the last four years by UCLA’s Academic Senate judicial committees on allegations of Faculty Code of Conduct violations.  What has become abundantly clear during this process is the complete failure of shared governance at this University.  The Academic Senate judicial committee proceedings are fraught with conflicts of interest, and subject to constant and pervasive interference by the UCLA Administration.  


Regrettably, instead of maintaining the integrity and impartiality of judicial committee proceedings, the Academic Senate faculty serving on these committees have supported and/or condoned the UCLA Administration’s agenda of destroying the career and reputation of a minority female and distinguished scientist.  The findings of probable cause and initiation of disciplinary proceedings against me have been part of that evident ongoing cooperative effort between the judicial committees and the Administration to silence minority voices instead of protecting them from unjust persecution.   


On June 10, 2024, I requested the Privilege and Tenure Committee investigating the latest charges against me to dismiss the ongoing disciplinary proceedings given the pervasive administrative interference and the non-correctible deficiencies in the due process being afforded (see letter below).   I informed the committee that, in the interests of protecting myself from unjust persecution, I would respond publicly to all charges and divulge key information that negates the foundation for these charges.  This website contains my public response to the charges.

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